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Poll Votes Are In : Budget Live Updates

As the budget announcement are made, this post will be updated live

Contribute in the comments on this post!

In the recent poll in The Youth Work Common Room on whether the Government will offer increase funding support to young people and youth work, the outcomes were as follows;

Of the 266 visitors to the poll post;

67% voted that the Government will not create available funding for youth services in a sustainable way.

33% voted to suggest that the Government would increase funding support for youth services and young people.

This post will be updated live during the budget offering updates on significant youth sector announcements; comments will be enabled so you can add your thoughts and have your say on the various focus points around the Budget, young people and youth work.


Opening Keynote Statements

12.38pm: Chancellor comments on first woman to deliver budget and how girls and women should be able to access equal roles. This could be part of an equal opportunities development that youth work could be a significant part of. Add your thoughts below in the comments!

12.50pm : Of the 7 pillars approach to grow the economy, 2 features.. The Skills England towards employment agenda and investment in research and development could be valuable areas of informal education and youth work. Add your thoughts below on how these could be valuable to youth work.

Change Statements

12.55pm : Integrated approach to Health, Education and Welfare announced. Could be a development for youth work in wider areas of social, health and community services? add your thoughts below on what you think.

12.57pm : On the cost of living, national living wage to £12.21 per hour. Your views on the wider implications for young people? comment below.

13.20pm : Funding increases to public services over the next 2 years. 1.7% increase to public services. Will this create scope for youth work? what do you think?

13.23pm : Funding increase to support young poeple announced for education, SEND support focus. £2.3bn increase for education. does the impact lie in the detail? what do you make of this statement? 

13.26pm : Social Care and Homelessness funding support. strategy to follow and could be a limitation or focus for young people and youth work.

13.44pm : 6.7bn to support maintainence and building of schools. Should this include wider educational establishments. Breakfast clubs a focus, do we have a place in these educational settings?

13.53pm : Statement Commended to the House.

Steve Walker Training Consultancy (2024) The Youth Work Common Room

The Youth Work Common Room : The Home of Youth Work

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