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Constructing and Deconstructing Language

Updated: Sep 27, 2024

Interpretation and Misinterpretation : The Professional Dilemma of Dialogue

In a recent discussion with practitioners across the children, young people and families workforce, the importance of relationship and communication was explored.

Many colleagues were very capable of sharing collective ideas around their roles, offering a verbal representation of the 'mission statement', aims and intention regarding their work. Professionals comfortable in their professional speak. The training aimed to enhance professional understanding around the language we use and how we explore and explain our work. The following is a brief overview of the overall training and the value and depth offered by colleagues was valuable and acts as a reflection and hopes to be a useful potential tool for you to work with your teams to gain a deeper understanding of how each person understands their principles and ideology of youth work.

We spent some time unpicking the keywords across the professions and established that it was important to deconstruct and explain in a practical sense what was meant to reduce ambiguity and misinterpretation. As an example; each group found that 'support' was present in their aims an objectives and this in particular was widely used in practice as a generic and often variable tool which can pose as many challenges as it can add value to individuals and groups.

A definition of support; 'bear all or part of the weight of; hold up' (verb) and 'a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright' (noun)

It was agreed that whilst this said a lot, practically it said very little as the 'thing' bearing weight or keeping things upright is not determined and that in the relationship, the practitioner is indeed the support rather than the tools and methods provided to enable and work towards empowering the change people aspire to. The tension of being the vessel of support rather than the individual or group being enabled then creates a secondary layer that was explored... how do things look like without the need for support? how does the aspiration without professional intervention achieve the goals aspired to? surely this is empowerment in its absolute sense?

We opened up the space to discuss how Paulo Freire validated the importance that 'learning the language of the poor' whilst encouraging people to learn the language of the dominant was an aspect of the process of effective working and liberation. A key challenge identified was time, investment and engaging in true conversation that created an opportunity in the training to examine professional privilege and acknowledge the reflective self as accountable and responsible for the process of intervention.

A definition of Intervention; 'Get involved' (verb) 'To intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse'. (noun)

Significantly, the definition considers the notion of 'intent' by intentionally becoming involved; within the arena of informal social education and practice base of youth work, this is by design an action through communication a powerful and purposeful dynamic.

The professional reflection and key questions around 'why am i ?' 'what is my role within this situation?' 'How are my words, action and role understood?' and importantly; 'have i understood my personal responses to these questions?'.

Colleagues were more confident that the dynamic in the moment happenstance during a conversation with young people (particularly on first or early meetings) should inform a quality review and evaluation to examine the ongoing purpose, intention and planning that best responds to the needs and aspirations that young people raise. This, prior to working in partnership with young people on that agreed dialogic understanding and the actions that take place following that work to empower, educate and create ongoing co-design. Decisions to take the idea of knowledge and learning into the conversation has a powerful effect, the development, expression, creativity, context, history and true selves are invested with common and shared plans to co-support.

"Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, though the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human being pursue in the world, with the world and with each other". Paulo Freire.

Get in touch for more information on training and development opportunities for your teams and why not share your own experiences in the Youth Work Common Room forums with others.


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