A short reflection on completion and achievement for colleagues who have now had their certificates for participation in Detached Youth Work Essentials and Leading Effective Detached Youth Work training.
#YWCR #THEYOUTHWORKCOMMONROOM #stafftraining #staffdevelopment #achievement #detachedyouthwork #youthwork

It is with a sense of pride that around 100 colleagues across Lancashire can celebrate on their developments and achievements now that certificates have been provided post training events that took place late February.
The value in developing and designing training that operates in stages for practitioners on the ground on the streets with young people and then professional colleagues responsible for leading effective Detached Youth Work has been wonderful to be part of.
The alignment to core county policy and working to continue to consult and advance the policy development has been so insightful to take practice level questions, concerns and importantly good practice through to inform the developing county wide policy.
Well Done Everyone, Congratulations! and keep up the brilliant work you do with young people! You are Amazing and a testament that Youth Work really does have a part to play!
Get in touch if you want to know more about training staff teams and policy development via the contact us link on the website.
#YWCR #THEYOUTHWORKCOMMONROOM #stafftraining #staffdevelopment #achievement #detachedyouthwork #youthwork